The second last round we faced the local team who were behind others after 3 rounds. The match is a must win game where errors shouldn't happen.
Board 25: A safety play pays off
Juho ended to ordinary looking 4 hearts where he have to do a full day work. I think this deal is the best one of day.
Defense didn't play diamonds voluntary which put maximum pressure on Juho. But Juho spotted and executed the safety play nicely. In end he could just note that the play was worth executing.
I'm sorry for Juho if I missed any other great plays from him. But I try not to follow too carefully when my partner declarers.
Team mates: 5♥XN +300
Result: +420 (+12; +8.4)
Total: -39 / +43
Board 26: Error is to play for a error
It's my turn to declare 4 hearts. But it is hard to match Juho's previous show
That was horrible start! In first trick I can only see 1♦+2/3♠+4/5♥. Even in the best major suit case I still have to score one trick from clubs. It looks very unlikely that club ace and heart king would be onside. Also getting a ruff with heart 9 doesn't look very likely. Without diamond lead there would fairly good chance to setup fifth spades for tenth trick. It also looked unlikely that overcaller would have 7 card suit. I decided to play for a bad defense instead of the best possible odds when my jack-ten diamond holding offered some possibility that defense wouldn't want to continue diamonds.
Too bad this time club ace was doubleton. Also heart and spades behaved making my line only way to go down in the contract. I felt stupid after failing a contract because playing for a poor defense.
Team mates: 4♥S +100
Result: -100 (0; -9.8)
Possible result: +620 (+12)
Total: -51 / +43
Board 29: Impulsive biding leads to wrong contract
I think that biding is overvalued in many postmortems. It is generally easy to spot where biding scored badly even tough EV defense between winning and losing bid might be relatively small. Same time noticing the small playing mistakes that can have huge EV value is a lot harder. But here I must present a biding error that has clearly negative EV.
Holding poor spade suit isn't favorite to play well in a Moysian fit. Specially holding 4 clubs promised trump control problems. Of course partner may have 4-4 reds or 3-3-4-3 making diamond hard to play. But in long run diamonds are clear favorite to produce more tricks with my AQx support to probable 5 card suit.
My two spade bid got what it deserved with 5-1 spade break defeating me. To increase the insult the lucky 3NT makes from my hand.
Team mates: 2NT N -120
Result: -100 (-6; -6)
Possible result: +110 (0)
Total: -57 / +43
Match results
Our opponents managed to make their share of errors too. That gave confidence to me that score would be good despite my two serious mistakes.
We managed a comfortable 25 IMP victory. That was enough to raise us to the pole position with 81 VPs from 4 matches. The lead became very clear because Vilttiketju lost heavily to Miramisu who are our last opponents.
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